How it works
- Sign up to the Eyja network and immediately become a member – it's free and you can instantly browse all member profiles.
- When signing up you will be asked to provide some details about yourself and your needs. This is to ensure we have no empty profiles on the platform and to protect member privacy by preventing unwanted visitors from entering the platform. You will only need to answer the questions that are relevant to you.
- Do not share personal contact details (such as an address, email, phone numbers, etc.) in your public profile. Be aware that doing so goes against Eyja's T&Cs.
- Bring your profile to life by adding a photo of yourself, inspirational quotes or information about your hobbies and passions.
- Don’t forget you can always see how many members have viewed your profile and how many of them have added you to their ‘Preferred’ list.
Complete your profile
- Use basic and advanced search options to find connections you are looking for. You can find members by county and preferred distance from your location, and use other useful quick search features.
- Search results will display a list of potentially suitable profiles, with information about each candidate.
- Scroll down until you find the match who best suits your requirements and save their profile to your 'Preferred' list by pressing on the heart icon on their profile picture.
- You can return to the results of your search at any time by browsing your search history or your ‘Preferred’ list.
Search assistants / employers
- If you wish to contact another member you're interested in, or who has shown an interest in you, upgrade your profile to become a full member for an annual subscription fee of £15.
- With this upgrade, you will be able to contact other members via Eyja's internal messaging system and to reply to received messages.
- Eyja also offers additional features such as ‘Urgent’ or ‘Short notice’ stickers that will help you to find the right connections more efficiently. They can be acquired any time separately in your ‘Paid services’ panel.
- For safety reasons we encourage you to use our internal messaging system until you decide to reveal your personal contact details to the other party.
- Sometimes it can take time to find the exact person you're searching for, so remember to be proactive: contact candidates and use all the useful tools available on the platform to take the lead in your search for an employee or for a job.
- Stay smart and check out our safety tips.
Contact candidates
- Once you have successfully found an employee or employer change your profile status to 'Inactive'. This lets us know that we've just made some more people happy, something we love to hear! Also, if your status is not changed to 'Inactive' other users may assume that your search is still 'live' and possibly waste their time and yours trying to contact you.
- Please share your experiences with us by using our 'Leave feedback' form.
- If you're happy with our service we'd appreciate it if you would share your experience of Eyja with friends, and others who you believe could benefit from our service.
- Don't forget to come back if you ever need our services again in the future – but let's hope you don't have to soon.
Find a match